Saturday, May 22, 2010

Making my lists...

Well, our entire household has been packed up and is on a truck heading to Delaware.

I love lists... I think it has something to do with my personality (I am a virgo and can be JUST a little bit of a perfectionist). Lists keep me sane. Does anyone else make lists? I make shopping lists, to do lists, to remember lists, to call lists, for my honey to do lists, and lists of my lists!

So, here is my list of big things to complete in the next few days...

1. Connect the Blue-Ox Tow Bar to the RV.

2. Have Tow-Plate installed on car, so it can be towed.

2. Put car top carrier together and put on top of car. - As mentioned in items 1 and 2, this trip we are pulling the car behind the motorhome. I thought I would take advantage of the extra space and get a carrier. Right now the plan is storage for heavier clothes, extra home-school supplies, and things not being used on a daily basis.

3. Sort things in house that need to go IN the car top carrier. - We have WAY too much stuff to go in the motorhome. Time to sort and do another organizing purge.

4. Replace broken windshield on car. - Although I am sure it will get broken again being towed behind the RV, I need to replace it. I have had chips on my windshield for over a year now. I promised myself I would replace the windshield as soon as those chips (that turned into cracks) met in the middle... and they have. It's time.

5. Mount Bicycle rack to the car. - Yes, the bikes are coming with us.

6. Mount footlocker/storage box to the bumper - With two kids, a place is needed to store things like baseballs, balls, outside toys, etc... We are trying to utilize as much storage outside the RV as possible.

7. Renew registrations for both car and motorhome.

8. Get oil change on motorhome.

9. Replace windshield wipers on motorhome.

There is a lot more to do with the house and inside the motorhome, but these are the major things that need to get done before we head out on the road!

1 comment:

  1. I am a compulsive list-maker; especially with sticky notes. I have them everywhere and always carry a small stack with me. They are so much handier than a full size notebook and just in case I need to give one away, easier for someone else to hang on to for a day or two.

    I met a man in Belgium that was at one time a designer with sticky notes... I now understand why people get starstruck.. HAHA!

    Best of luck with all the packing and checking things off your lists!
