As many of you know, my husband is active duty military. He has been in for 22 years (as of Dec. 2011) and is trying desperately to retire. The house we bought here in Old Forge is our retirement home. Plans were that he was to finish his tour in Korea, do his year in Delaware and be home by the end of summer 2012. Due to some military red tape, and other details that I won't go into here, we have NO idea when they will actually let him retire. Best scenario would be November 2012; Worst scenario by the end of 2013. He is currently heading to a training session and then overseas to lead a team on another deployment.
We have had a very trying year in 2011... the struggles of financially supporting 2 households and a new business were more than we bargained for. Take the stress of being behind on all your bills, trying to make a success of a new business, being in a new town, throw in some car issues, family separation, and some medical issues that have arisen for my youngest son... and you have a recipe for stress and frustration.

So, the real New Years resolution for 2012? To find better and more productive ways to funnel out my stress and frustration. Many times just venting or sharing things that arise seems to help put the situation in perspective. So here I am, back at the computer, challenging myself to share with you my trials and tribulation instead of bottling it up inside me. I have been seeing a Therapist to help deal with these issues, to help gain an understanding of my youngest child's symptoms, and to help our family as a whole work through any problems that arise.
I have been doing a lot of reading and research lately. One of the things I found in an article about health was about being healthy on the inside. It said "Most people ignore their emotional health until there’s a problem. But just as it requires time and energy to build or maintain your physical health, so it is with your emotional well-being. The more you put in to it, the stronger it will be." So I am choosing to improve my emotional and inner well-being. I hope that any of my readers will feel confident to comment and share as I post throughout the coming year.
May you all be blessed in 2012 and never take for granted being together as a family!
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