Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ramblings about candy....

I went into the drug store today and as I was walking down the isle, I noticed Christmas candy on one side, and Valentines candy on the other. The Christmas candy was, obviously, marked down.

The Christmas candy was marked down to 75% off or something ridiculous... because the wrapper was red and green (or had Santa, a snowman, or Christmas tree, or whatever). Across the isle was the exact same candy with red and pink wrappers (with hearts, lips, etc...). And the sad part? The candy was probably made in the same factory at the same time, and expires on the same date.

What a country we live in... full of waste and indulgence. And I am not pointing any fingers because I am just as guilty as everyone else! There are so many people that are having financial issues right now (my family included), and we still feel we have to purchase so many seasonal items for our kids, family, or friends. After the holidays there is so much waste! It isn't just about candy... it's about everything in our country being disposable and easy.

I am not a fanatic, nor will I turn into a Martha Stewart able to recycle and hand-make every gift, wrapping, and bow. There are so many little things that everyone can do to waste less and to spend less money.

I resolve that I will try to do this throughout 2012, and share with you any ideas and tricks that I find!


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