Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Aunty Em, Aunty Em... make that mean old tornado go back to Kansas!

Seriously... this tornado thing is getting old! I would love to know who hooked up the tornado to my motorhome bumper??? It's been following us ever since Kansas.

I know I have been known to do a crazy thing once or twice (OK, maybe a FEW more times than that) but storm chasing is NOT high on my list of things to do before I die.

So the tornado hits in Kansas, Missouri, Michigan, and now New York. I think it's about time to GIVE IT A REST ALREADY!

About the Motorhome issues...

I went to an RV place yesterday and got a new battery. They tested the electrical system and everthing seemed to be fine except the battery. I hope this remedies the situation. I also got the black water valve replaced. For those who don't have campers or motorhomes... the grey water is the water in the holding tank for the showers and sinks, the black water is the water in the holding tank from the toilet.

We went to our campground and got hooked up. Spent a wet evening in a thunderstorm and went to bed. Now, both tanks got emptied (grey and black) at the RV place before they did the valve repair. I got up at 6:00 in the morning to let the dogs out and went to use the bathroom. I open the toilet lid and the bowl is completely filled with clear water???? I think maybe one of the boys got up in the night and forgot to flush, so I flush. BIG MISTAKE! More water comes out, flooding the bathroom. That is when I notice the rather strong trickle of water coming out of the bathroom sink faucet. The faucet did not get shut off properly last night. TECHNICALLY the water in the sink is supposed to go into the grey water tank.... but since the grey water tank was still empty and the black water was full, I think that this one is hooked up to the black water tank.

So at 6:00 in the morning I am pumping out the toilet and cleaning up a flood. Thank goodness it was only fresh water from the water supply and not actually black water! That could have been REALLY NASTY!! EEEEWWW!

On a nicer note... the sun came out today and things are starting to dry up. We even had a campfire and made s'mores!

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