Friday, July 23, 2010

Cruising the lake....

The campground owners where we are staying gave Mom and Tom complimentary tickets for an excursion cruise on Raquette Lake. We had hoped to be able to go with them but the schedule did not work out. They gave the tickets to us and I decided to take the kids on Tuesday.

Liam kept asking all kinds of questions about whether it was like riding in a car, if we would get big waves, if they would blow the horn, etc... I don't think he remembers being on a boat before, although I know he has.

The W.W.Durant in dock

When we first got there, the weather was very nice so we sat on the upper deck. I knew they had snacks and things on the boat so I promised the kids we would eat lunch on board. We had their "meal deal" which was a Hoffman hotdog (the sign told us it was straight from Syracuse, NY), a bag of chips and a drink. It was a bargain at $4.00 each meal... NOT! Oh well.

Lunch on the upper deck

Liam kept doing a captain's pose (at least that is what HE called it) everytime I tried to take his photo. He was all over the boat exploring.

Skyler doing his Titanic imitation...
although I was hoping this trip would have a better outcome!

This is one of the chapels along the shore

As we were out enjoying the view, the clouds started rolling in. At first I thought we might have just a sprinkle or two... but then it REALLY started to come down. Everyone headed down to the tables on the enclosed lower deck.

The lower deck was nicely decorated

Finishing lunch on the lower deck

The rain turned nasty and fell for the rest of the trip. We were still able to see the islands and all the historic camps, but had to do it safely from the inside of the lower deck. Even with the rain the cruise was very interesting and something I would recommend. The tour was an hour and a half and just the right amount of time for two young kids.
Here is the link:

And would the trip be complete without a trip to the gift shop?? OF COURSE NOT! The gift shop at the dock was an old train caboose. That in itself was worth venturing out in the rain. We bought postcards and chocolate moose lollipops for the ride home.

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